Videos relacionados con comprar zapatillas cross training


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  • 8 Consejos para comprar tus zapatillas

  • #Top5 Mejores Zapatillas Que Puedes Comprar Ahora Para Hombres

    #Top5 Mejores Zapatillas Que Puedes Comprar Ahora Para Hombres

    Ver video "#Top5 Mejores Zapatillas Que Puedes Comprar Ahora Para Hombres"

  • 10 zapatillas Converse para comprar en Black Friday con descuento

    Ver video "10 zapatillas Converse para comprar en Black Friday con descuento"



    Unas zapatillas en Argentina pueden llegar a valer casi el 70% del salario mínimo.

    ️ @PonzonePablo
    Seguí en #GPS



    Unas zapatillas en Argentina pueden llegar a valer casi el 70% del salario mínimo.


  • Cross Cultural Training

    Intensive Spanish courses for all levels in Cuernavaca, Mexico at Bilingual & Cultural Institute. Visit the webpage at:

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  • Cross Cultural Training

    Learn Spanish Online is recognized for
    its innovative use of learning and
    teaching technologies to support high
    quality, interactive course
    development. Design by Cross Cultural
    Training will work closely with you to
    deliver effective learning solutions. We
    offer guidance, consultations and
    training for a broad range of
    instructional design strategies and

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  • Comprar minimotos de cross baratas por internet

    Nuestra tienda online ofrece un gran variedad en minimotos de cross baratas. Prepárate para sorprenderte con nuestras minimotos de cross baratas y nuestras pit bikes economicas.

    Ver video "Comprar minimotos de cross baratas por internet"

  • Presidente Cortizo se refirió a las largas filas para comprar un par de zapatillas - Nex Noticias

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  • “Me dijo que lo guarde rápido, que hay choros”: joven es víctima del ‘cambiazo’ tras comprar zapatillas

    Tras la supuesta compra, el joven regresó a su casa y al abrir la bolsa se dio cuenta de que había sido estafado.

    Ver video "“Me dijo que lo guarde rápido, que hay choros”: joven es víctima del ‘cambiazo’ tras comprar zapatillas"

  • Grupo de entrenamiento mixto

    Cross Training
    Box Training
    Running Team.
    Sábados de 16hs a 18hs Gym y Aire libre
    Lanus Oeste
    Buenos Aires

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  • ‪‪PURMOTION FTS CLUB MODEL en GymCompany‬‏

    Permiten realizar un sin fin de ejercicios funcionales de fuerza, potencia y estiramientos. Ideales para trabajos individuales, entrenador personal o en grupo una vez que se puede utilizar elasticos, cuerdas, Kettlebells, Sandbags etc

    PVP: 9.995€

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  • grupo de entrenamiento

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  • ‪‪PURMOTION Vector Trax™ en GymCompany‬‏

    El Vector Trax es un interesante y nuevo dispositivo para usar con elásticos de resistencia. Permite realizar movimientos multidimensionales con los elásticos sin tener que ajustar la altura.

    Con el VeActor Trax montado en la pared y usando un mosquetón para emplazar los elásticos, se pueden realizar multitud de ejercicios ya sea en un punto concreto o dejando que el dispositivo circule libremente (arriba-abajo) por el raíl.

    PVP: 469,95€

    Más info:

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  • CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Snatch CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, no matter what your fitness level or goal. Every workout is different, so you are less likely to get bored, and you will shed the inches quickly while increasing your strength and endurance.

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  • CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Exer CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, no matter what your fitness level or goal. Every workout is different, so you are less likely to get bored, and you will shed the inches quickly while increasing your strength and endurance

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  • CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Exer CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. Chino Hills Fitness

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  • CrossFit Chino-909-203-0180 Kettlebell Snatch CrossFit Chino and Chino Hills Fitness is for YOU. By joining one of our small group classes at CrossFit Chino you have the benefit of working out under the supervision of a Certified CrossFit Chino Coach every class. CrossFit is elite fitness for everyone, no matter what your fitness level or goal. Every workout is different, so you are less likely to get bored, and you will shed the inches quickly while increasing your strength and endurance.

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  • zapatillas tiburon

    Zapatillas para niños de andar por casa con diseño de dos graciosos tiburones que llevarán a tu niño por toda la casa y tendrán sus pies calentitos.
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  • Zapatillas mariquita

    Zapatillas infantiles de andar por casa con diseño de dos graciosas mariquitas que llevarán a tu niño por toda la casa y tendrán sus pies calentitos.
    Comprar en:

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  • Con la puerta en las narices

    Pensó que se iba a comprar unas buenas zapatillas pero lo dejaron con un buen palmo de narices

    Ver video "Con la puerta en las narices"

  • Patucos Juliette Lilliputiens

    Patucos de lilliputiens muy bonitos en cajita de regalo.
    Comprar en:

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  • Zapatillas de moda 2019 2020 tendencia en zapatos,tenis,nike,adidas y fila

    es un video de una amiga que me dijo que lo suba a mi canal para que usteds vean que zapatillas se quieren comprar

    Ver video "Zapatillas de moda 2019 2020 tendencia en zapatos,tenis,nike,adidas y fila"

  • Cercado de Lima: lo estafan con falso Yape y su jefe lo termina sacando del trabajo

    Cámaras de seguridad del local captaron a cuatro personas en el interior del local, quienes habían llegado a comprar algunos pares de zapatillas.

    Ver video "Cercado de Lima: lo estafan con falso Yape y su jefe lo termina sacando del trabajo"

  • Ladrón fue atropellado por su víctima después que lo robó

    Un extraño robo fue capturado por una cámara de seguridad, el robo frustrado de unas zapatillas deportivas fue el motivo de que la víctima embistiera con su camioneta al delincuente y le fracturara el brazo así lo informó la policía. El joven se había puesto de acuerdo por internet con Philippe Pierre para comprar las zapatillas deportivas Air Jordan, dijo la policía.

    Video cortesía de New York Daily News. Tomado de El Comercio

    Ver video "Ladrón fue atropellado por su víctima después que lo robó"

  • TOC: Coleccionismo extremo (Dave)

    La mayor colección de zapatillas de deporte es propiedad de Jordy Geller de Nevada, Estados Unidos, con 2.388 pares de calzado deportivo. Jordy comenzó a reunir los pares en 1999, cuando empezó a comprar y vender calzado en eBay. Su colección se limita casi exclusivamente a la marca Nike. Todos los zapatos son a estrenar y están en sus cajas originales. Se trata de verdaderos casos clínicos de trastorno obsesivo-complusivo que llegan a comprometer económicamente a la familia y a la pareja.

    Ver video "TOC: Coleccionismo extremo (Dave)"

  • Basketball Speed Agility Training Miami Ft Lauderdale Baller Basketball Academy

    Basketball Speed & Agility Training - , Basketball Training, Basketball Camps, Basketball Cross Training, Basketball Plyometric Training, Youth Basketball Training, High School Basketball Training, College Basketball Training Professional Basketball Training, Travel Team Basketball, Girls Basketball Training, Boys Basketball Training

    We train basketball players to be faster, quicker & more agile. Our creative Basketball Speed & Agility Training & High Intensity Traditional Basketball Training and Education helps players to be better athletes, more aggressive and much smarter.

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  • Zapatillas nuevas para comenzar el año

    Jóvenes de toda la comarca coruñesa siguieron este año la tradición de terminar la fiesta de Nochevieja con un chocolate con churros en Betanzos, que celebra en Año Nuevo una de sus ferias más multitudinarias. Las chicas, cansadas de llevar tacones durante toda la noche, tienen por costumbre comprar zapatillas de "andar por casa" y descansar así los pies. Es una forma de acabar bien la noche y disfrutar de una tradición que cada día tiene más seguidores.

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  • Nike revela nueva suscripción para calzado de deporte para niños

    Nike revela nueva suscripción para calzado de deporte para niños Al unirse al 'Nike Adventure Club', los padres pueden comprar a sus hijos una docena de zapatos al año por un precio mensual de $50. Otros precios mensuales incluyen una tarifa de $20 por cuatro pares de zapatillas. Por $10 más, puedes obtener seis pares. Solo los niños de dos a 10 años son elegibles para ser parte del club. Según Nike, el programa está dirigido a familias que viven lejos de las tiendas y deben pasar mucho tiempo comprando calzado nuevo. Nike Adventure Club GM, Dave Cobban, a CNN Business Cobban agrega que otras suscripciones, como las de los entusiastas de deportes, podrían estar en el horizonte. Nike Adventure Club GM, Dave Cobban, a CNN Business

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  • Zapatillas para acabar la Nochevieja

    Tacones altos y fiesta es siempre sinónimo de dolor de pies, pero las jóvenes de Betanzos, en La Coruña, han encontrado la solución para prolongar la Noche Vieja mucho más allá del amanecer. Cada uno de enero acuden hasta el mercado que se celebra en la plaza de los Hermanos García Naveira para comprar unas confortables y cómodas zapatillas que les permitan continuar la fiesta, incluso, hasta bien entrada la tarde. Poco les importa que el calzado doméstico no les combine a la perfección con los vestidos de noche. Lo importante, dicen, es dar un respiro a sus pies. 

    Ver video "Zapatillas para acabar la Nochevieja"





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  • Mujeres en Todo dio a conocer el Crosstrainig

    Este viernes 13 de noviembre estuvo como invitado en el estudio de Mujeres en Todo, José Riobueno, fundador y creador del Cross Training, nuevo método de hacer ejercicio de lo simple a lo complejo.

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  • Autocad Civil 3D 2013 Training

    Autocad Civil 3D 2013 Training
    Civil 3D Tutorial
    Civil 3D Training
    Civil 3D Tutorials
    Civil 3D 2013 Tutorials
    Civil 3D 2011 Tutorials
    Civil 3D 2013 Tutorial
    Civil 3D 2011 Tutorial
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    Civil 3D Book
    3d Civil Tutorial
    Mastering Civil 3D 2011
    Civil 3d 2011 Object Enabler
    Mastering Civil 3D 2013 pdf
    Mastering Civil 3D 2011 pdf
    Civil 3D Grading Tutorial
    Civil 3D Courses
    Mastering Civil 3D
    Civil 3D Grading
    Civil 3D Cross section
    Youtube Civil 3D
    Civil 3D Youtube

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  • Las MEJORES zapatillas para correr del [2025]

    ➜ Enlaces a las mejores zapatillas para correr de 2025 que enumeramos Aqui:

    ► Enlaces ◄
    ➜ 1. Brooks Men’s Ghost 16 Neutral Running Shoe-
    ➜ 2. ASICS Men's NOVABLAST 4 Running Shoe-
    ➜ 3. New Balance Men's FuelCell Rebel V4 Running Shoe-
    ➜ 4. Nike Pegasus 41 Men's Road Running Shoes -
    ➜ 5. ASICS Men's Gel-Kayano 31 Running Shoes-

    Acabamos de presentar las 5 mejores zapatillas para correr de 2025.En quinto lugar se encuentran las ASICS Men's Gel-Kayano 31 Running Shoes, reconocidas por su excelente soporte y estabilidad, ideales para corredores con pronación y largas distancias. En cuarto lugar, los Nike Pegasus 41 Men's Road Running Shoes (FD2722-105, White/Pure) ofrecen un ajuste clásico con tecnología moderna, garantizando transiciones suaves en cada paso. En tercer lugar, las New Balance Men's FuelCell Rebel V4 Running Shoe combinan una suela innovadora con un diseño ligero, ideales para entrenamientos rápidos y carreras de media distancia. En segundo lugar, los ASICS Men's NOVABLAST 4 Running Shoe destacan por su ligereza y reactividad, perfectas para corredores que buscan velocidad y comodidad. Finalmente, en primer lugar, las Brooks Men’s Ghost 16 Neutral Running Shoe son conocidas por su comodidad excepcional y su amortiguación equilibrada, ideales para carreras largas y entrenamientos diarios.

    ►US Links◄
    ➜ 1. Brooks Men’s Ghost 16 Neutral Running Shoe-
    ➜ 2. ASICS Men's NOVABLAST 4 Running Shoe-
    ➜ 3. New Balance Men's FuelCell Rebel V4 Running Shoe-
    ➜ 4. Nike Pegasus 41 Men's Road Running Shoes -
    ➜ 5. ASICS Men's Gel-Kayano 31 Running Shoes-

    We just presented the 5 best running shoes of 2025.In fifth place are the ASICS Men's Gel-Kayano 31 Running Shoes, renowned for their excellent support and stability, ideal for runners with pronation and long distances. In fourth place, the Nike Pegasus 41 Men's Road Running Shoes (FD2722-105, White/Pure) offer a classic fit with modern technology, ensuring smooth transitions with every step. In third place, the New Balance Men's FuelCell Rebel V4 Running Shoe combines an innovative sole with a lightweight design, ideal for fast training and mid-distance races. In second place, the ASICS Men's NOVABLAST 4 Running Shoe stands out for its lightness and reactivity, perfect for runners looking for speed and comfort. Finally, in first place, the Brooks Men's Ghost 16 Neutral Running Shoe is known for its exceptional comfort and balanced cushioning, ideal for long runs and daily training.

    DIVULGACIÓN: Algunos de los enlaces en esta página son enlaces de afiliados. Esto significa que, sin costo adicional para ti, podría recibir una pequeña comisión si decides hacer una compra a través de ellos. Estas comisiones ayudan a mantener este canal y a seguir creando co

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  • Usamos el móvil 150 veces al día

    Más de la mitad de los españoles entre 16 y 74 años usan a diario internet. Y lo hacen sobre todo por el movil (63,2%), son las conclusiones de un estudio de la Fundación Telefónica. Accedemos a ellos una media de 150 veces al día.... sobre todo para compartir información, revisar las cuentas del banco, comprar por internet y para hacer cursos. Mientras que las ventas mundiales del movil han crecido en el último año, las de ordenadores están a la baja. Pero no son la única alternativa de conexión. Los televisores inteligentes empiezan a posicionarse (se acerca la generación de la ultra alta definición o 4k) Y espectadores creciendo. Mediaset, el grupo de mayor audiencia online, ha registrado 18 millones y medio de navegadores únicos... Un 22, 5% más que un año antes, según el estudio. Y conexión más cerca, pegada al cuerpo. Con la ropa y los complementos conectados. Los wearables, gafas de realidad aumentada, relojes inteligentes, pulseras que miden pulsaciones o zapatillas con sensores. Ahora apenas incipiente pero los expertos confían en que estos dispositivos den pronto un nuevo impulso al mercado tecnológico, y de paso supongan un nuevo cambio en la forma de relacionarnos con nuestro entorno.

    Ver video "Usamos el móvil 150 veces al día"

  • El exigente ejercicio de CrossFit de Kerem Bürsin

    El exigente ejercicio de CrossFit de Kerem Bürsin
    El exigente ejercicio de crossfit de kerem bursin el actor de telenovelas turcas kerem bursin conocido en España por la serie love is in the air se ha convertido en un buen referente fitness por sus músculos y ojo al nuevo vídeo que ha publicado en su cuenta de Instagram dándole caña al crossfit bursin además de estar muy definido está muy fuerte y como muestra este ejercicio de Cross training conocido como petboard y que consiste entre par por una tabla con agujeros anclada a la pared con un par de palos se trata de subir y bajar metiéndolos en los agujeros además de necesitar un tren superior muy fuerte el trabajo del Core y los abdominales es básico para mejorar la técnica de este movimiento que te pone muy en forma y es una prueba de si estás fuerte o no el entrenamiento crossfit en casa [Música]

    Ver video "El exigente ejercicio de CrossFit de Kerem Bürsin"

  • How to Run a Faster Mile: Sprinters & Distance Runners

    How To Run a Faster 1 Mile Race Time so that you can be a better Distance Runner or Sprinter. These tips will help you to understand how you can get your self faster when it come to running races like the mile and two mile (1600 Meters and 3200 Meters). (NEW!) How to run a faster 800m dash: - Dont be scared if youre a sprinter. Increasing your mileage at the right time could help you become an all around better runner. Watch and listen to the whole video to learn my simple tips to run a faster mile. \r
    - My Cross Country Training Has Begun. Watch Day 1Training here: \r
    – Watch my Track and Field story here: \r
    – Watch me Compete in an 800m Race Here: \r
    – Watch me compete in a 1500m race here: \r
    After wathing this video you will know:\r
    1. What you should do to get yourself in shape to drop your mile time.\r
    2. How often you should do the thing that will cause you to get faster\r
    3. A good app that will help you learn how to run a consistent pace so that youll know if youre running faster or slower.\r
    (VLOG) - Should I quit running Track? \r
    - How to warm up before running: \r
    - How Fast Can I run 400 Meters: \r
    - How to run faster without getting tired: \r
    How to run a faster mile, how to run faster mile, faster 1600m, faster 3200 Meter time, Run faster longer, tips to run faster longer, tips to run faster.\r
    Facebook: \r
    Snapchat: \r
    Instagram: one800rahh

    Ver video "How to Run a Faster Mile: Sprinters & Distance Runners"

  • Las ultimas cartas - La batalla de Stalingrado - Documental 1965

    The last letters
    Director: Mikhail Romm
    Mosfilm Production
    Film Description: Musical box views. City destroyed by bombing attack. Zoo with giraffes and other dead animals. Nazi soldier prisoners. Adolf Hitler talking to men. Bag full of letters with the Nazi symbol is loaded on a plane. Pilots get on a plane, take off on a runway with snow, fly and land. They open bags with letters and sort them. Stalingrad: Views of Nazi soldiers in trenches with snow. Girls with letters. Stalingrad: Nazi soldiers in the snow Stalingrad: Nazi soldiers killed. Girls collect flowers in the field. Village views. Train views and reaches town. Parade of children with Nazi insignia, playing the clarion, drums, flutes. They raise the Nazi flag in the square. Hitler in ceremony. Boys fight. Boys parade. Nazi hierarch views (may be Goebbels). Child tries on Nazi combat helmet. Nazi soldier writing letter in trench. Men gathered in front of the fireplace, where they drink beer, eat and listen to a musical orchestra. Soldier salutes Nazi officer. Views of Nazi soldiers in the trench. Soldier is decorated with the silver cross. Hitler in ceremony. Soldiers funeral parade. Views of funeral wreath with the insignia of the fuhrer. Nazi activists parade. Dead soldiers in Stalingrad. Statue views of the dying soldier. People in church, Hitler attends. City views with fortress in Germany. Woman chopping food and packing it into jars. Family gathered at table and eating. Nazi soldiers eating and bathing. Family eating. Soldiers search man in Born, arrest man and search village. Family eating. Attack of the Nazi artillery in Stalingrad. Village views. Man leading cart with oxen. People at fair eating and drinking beer. Views of turntables and women typing. They bury corpses of Jews and views of hanged men. Man singing and dancing with woman in music show. Military magazine, Hitler salutes officers and military parade. Women work in a workshop making dolls. Parade of Nazi soldiers. Village views with children, men and women. Girl guiding ducks. Cows grazing on the mountain. Shepherd children tending flock of sheep. Women gathering flowers in the field. Men working in the field. Armless man working in the field. Legless men riding horses. Legless men skiing. Disabled men training in athletics sports field and practicing swimming. Hitler in sports stadium following the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
    (USSR / 16mm / black and white / Spanish language)
    Date: 7/10/1965
    Duration: 29 minutes 14 seconds
    Film code: F-00299

    Copyright DiFilm Archive - Archival Material Queries -
    More videos and information at: or Follow us at:

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  • 10 Adorable Breeds Of House Cats

    From the extremely cute teacup sized Persian cats, to the glorious Savannah Cat breed, these are the 10 Most ADORABLE Breeds of House Cats ! \r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    5 - Sphynx \r
    This creepy looking nearly hairless breed of cat was developed through selective breeding which began in the 1960s, for real, we made these demonic-looking kitties on purpose. These bizarre looking cats have fine, almost silky feeling skin due to their incredibly short soft fur which is so minuscule in size it is almost invisible to the naked human eye. It is possible for these strange felines to grow whiskers and eyebrows but they very rarely do. These little less than adorable kitties, though some find them absolutely enchanting, are best known for features such as wedge-shaped heads, prominent cheekbones, large bulging eyeballs, muscular necks, pot bellies, paw pads and whiplike tails. You know, these creepy extroverted intelligent prune-looking kitties are starting to grow on me.\r
    4 - Pixie-Bob \r
    This next breed of kitty is known for growing quite large by domestic standards sometimes weighing 11 pounds or more and appear, you guessed it, nearly exly like a miniature bobcat. Bred from exotic looking stray and wild cats, these strange felines rarely meow, instead, they communicate with cute squeaky chirping sounds. Known for their intelligent nature, these kitties are ideal for training to walk on leashes and to play fetch, they can most commonly be found trailing after their owners like little obedient shadows. These smart kitties are said to be capable of understanding some human words and commands. Like the North American Bobcat, these adorable mounds of fuzz have black fur and skin on the bottom of their paws, tipped ears, stubby tails, black lips, white fur surrounding their black eye skin, white furry chins, and their spotted fur patterns have reddish tones sometimes mixed in. \r
    3 - Japanese Bobtail\r
    These kitties are old, having shown up some 1,000 years ago in their native land of Japan. These street cats played an important role in their nations history as hunters against Japans pest problem, mainly the silkworm population and of course rats with all of their malignant diseases. The defining chareristic for these adorable cats are their puffy tails which resembles rabbits, some even hop due to their long back legs, their primary color of coats is calico. Some of these felines have two eye colors, most commonly blue and amber. These cats are famed, appearing in many legends and folklore, the manga charer Hello Kitty is said to resemble a Japanese Bobtail, as well as the Muta from film, The Cat Returns, who is based on a Bobtail who repeatedly visit the Ghibli studio, theres even a Bobtail in Disneys Big Hero 6, Mochi. The legend goes that a man who owned one of these kitties was sitting under a tree when he noticed his cat beckoning to him with its paw, he rose and started toward the direction of his cat, when a branch fell right where he had been sitting, it would have crushed him dead if not for the warning of his inviting cat. From this story, the Japanese Bobtail has earned the nickname of Lucky Cat, Beckoning Cat and Inviting Cat and is now a popular token of good luck which can be found in nearly every gift shop in Japan and lining every shelf of most Chinatowns round the world. \r
    2 - Khao Manee\r
    Which roughly translated means White Gem, but more commonly known as the Diamond Eye Cat. These striking felines hail from Thailand and are a very rare breed, each of these strange yet beautiful kitties have blue or golden colored eyes and sometimes, if youre lucky, one of each. These cats have a coat that looks like solid white snow and holds the title of the most expensive breed of cat in the entire world. These peculiar yet striking felines have an ancestry dating back hundreds of years. These kitties are also known for being muscular, athletic, ive, communicative and extremely intelligent. Just look at those eyes! I cant look away, too cute! \r
    1 - Savannah \r
    Its the new cat on the block, this strange but extremely precocious and cute breed of kitty was first recognised by the International Cat Association in 2001. These hybrids were conceived after cross breeding domestic cats with several medium-sized, large-eared wild African cats. These lovable felines are known to be extremely social and very loyal, their loyalty has even been compared to several breeds of dogs. These kitties are tall and slender in build and usually weigh around 8 to 20 pounds and as you can clearly see, their coats have an amazingly cute speckled pattern of adorable spots which resemble that of a cheetah. These cute and cuddly felines are also known for their deep-cupped erect ears, long legs, puffy noses and hooded e

    Ver video "10 Adorable Breeds Of House Cats"

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